Guangde Stew Pot

Commonly known as "Guangde Hotpot," this dish has a long and rich history, dating back over a thousand years. Guangde’s lush vegetation made it easy to produce charcoal, which was not only used for warmth but also for cooking. Guests gather around the stove to enjoy the hearty stew, which becomes more flavorful the longer it simmers. Eating stew has become a beloved tradition for Guangde people.

广德炖锅地图 (2).jpg

德贤农庄 龙凤呈祥.jpg

枫香乐农庄 乌鸡菌菇养生汤.jpg



土鸡锅 (2).jpg

云林小居 卢湖生态鱼头汤.jpg

朱家菜饭店 农家竹林鸡.jpg